Invitation to contribute to the Handbook of Ecological Civilisation (Springer)


Call for expressions of interest for chapters

Springer Nature has approached us to edit the Handbook of Ecological Civilisation: Philosophy, History, Policy and Pedagogy, which aims to present a comprehensive overview of our field. Springer Nature, as you may know, is one of the leading publishers in the world of research, educational and professional publishing.

With its Springer and Palgrave imprints, Springer Nature is highly regarded as a scholarly publisher and is especially renowned for its prestigious Major Reference Works (MRWs) program. We are excited by the prospect of developing such a work, the acute need for which has been felt by our ever-growing field.

We accepted this challenging assignment with the confidence that colleagues and friends will aim to support such a worthwhile endeavour. Your participation in the Handbook of Ecological Civilisation: Philosophy, History, Policy and Pedagogy is of fundamental significance.

The inception of ecological civilisation traces back to ancient philosophies that advocate living in harmony with nature, like Taoism and Indigenous perspectives. It gained prominence in the late 20th century as environmental challenges became more evident. Modern interpretations, particularly in China, signify a departure from the growth-first mentality, drawing on traditional philosophical heritage to lead ecological thought. The philosophical strands of movements like China’s Natural History Revival Movement contribute significantly to understanding ecological civilisation, underscoring a hermeneutic approach to this concept within a broader social and philosophical context.

Ecological Civilisation principles have been integrated into policies, green economy initiatives and legislative measures. This shift indicates a commitment to ecological principles in governance and development, transitioning from industrial civilisation’s utilitarian values to those that emphasise sustainability and environmental ethics. A focused look at China’s approach reveals key political narratives and policies around sustainable development and innovation within broader narratives of reform, distinguishing ecological civilisation from industrial civilisation in terms of values, ethical foundations, and development paradigms.

This reference work project will be unique because Springer nature reference works are the most heavily downloaded and used content.

We are interested in views from around the world that critically discuss the concept, practice, history and ecopedagogy of ecological civilisation. Chapters should be 6,000 words with references.

Please send an expression of interest, preferably an abstract of 250 words, by March 31, 2024, to the editors.

The deadline for the final submission of chapters is September 30, 2024.


Michael A. Peters –

Benjamin J. Green –;

Greg Misiaszek –

Zhu Xudong (朱旭东) –

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