Digital Supercapitalism, AI and the Knowledge Economy
Data-Driven Geopolitics and the Rise of the Trillion Dollar Big Tech Company

Digital Supercapitalism Robert Reich, who served as Secretary of Labour under President Bill Clinton, published Supercapitalism: The Transformation of Business, Democracy and Everyday Life (2007), reflecting on how capitalism has evolved in recent decades. Reich argues that since the 1970s, the US and other advanced economies have transitioned from ‘democratic capitalism’ to ‘supercapitalism.’ This new […]
Peters, M. A. (2024). Digital Supercapitalism, AI and the Knowledge Economy: Data-Driven Geopolitics and the Rise of the Trillion Dollar Big Tech Company. PESA Agora. https://pesaagora.com/columns/digital-supercapitalism-ai-and-the-knowledge-economy/