Tag Archives: internationalisation of higher education

Disjunctures and flows in the global “scapes”:  The case of Indian medical students in China

Bin Wu , Pengtao Yu & Xiaomin Jiao
A blurry photo of a blue and white wall

Disjunctures and flows in the global “scapes”:  The case of Indian medical students in China Bin Wua , Pengtao Yub & Xiaomin Jiaob aSchool of Education, RMIT University Melbourne, Australia; bSchool of International Education, Zhengzhou University, China Abstract Traditionally, international students have gravitated towards Western countries, but South-to-South exchanges have grown substantially in recent years, […]

Full Citation Information:
Wu, B.., Yu, P., & Jiao, X. (2024). Disjunctures and flows in the global “scapes”:  The case of Indian medical students in China ACCESS: Contemporary Issues in Education, 44(1). https://doi.org/10.46786/ac24.6691