CFP: Special Issue of Educational Philosophy and Theory (EPAT): Paulo Freire Centennial: Reinventing Freire for 2021

As we celebrate 100 years since Paulo Freire’s birth in September 2021 and fifty years since the initial publication of Pedagogy of the Oppressed, this special issue of Educational Philosophy and Theory (EPAT) will focus on how Freire’s work continues to reinvent education worldwide and how scholars continue to reinvent his work. We specifically use reinvention because Freire vehemently argued for the “social theoretical recontextualization [of his work] and a rejection of unreflexive, mechanical efforts to ‘import’ his pedagogy into different social and cultural contexts” (Morrow & Torres, 2019, pp. 247-248). Countering fatalistic teaching that reproduces and justifies oppressions, and working towards better futures, Freirean education centers students’ “dream of constant reinvention of the world, the dream of liberation, thus the dream of a less ugly society, one less mean-only dream of human beings’ silent adaptation to a reality considered untouchable” (Freire, 2004, p. 85)[i].  In the spirit of reinvention towards social justice and planetary sustainability, we are broadly seeking submissions that depart from current Freirean debates on a diverse range of themes.

Please see the full CFP at before submitting an abstract. Proposals with a tentative title, 300-word abstract, and author(s) listed should be sent to editor Dr. Greg William Misiaszek ( and Dr. Tsegay  ( by September 15, 2020.

Full papers are to be submitted by January 31, 2021.

[i] Freire, P. (2004). Pedagogy of indignation. Boulder, CO: Paradigm Publishers.

Morrow, R. A., & Torres, C. A. (2019). Rereading Freire and Habermas: Philosophical anthropology and reframing critical pedagogy and educational research in the neoliberal anthropocene. In C. Torres, A. (Ed.), Wiley Handbook of Paulo Freire (pp. 241-274). New Jersey: Wiley-Blackwell.

Special Issue Editors


Greg Misiaszek is an Assistant Professor of educational theories at Beijing Normal University (BNU) and Associate Director of the Paulo Freire Institute, UCLA



Lauren Ila Misiaszek is an Associate Professor of international and comparative education at Beijing Normal University (BNU) and Associate Director of the Paulo Freire Institute, UCLA



Samson Maekele Tsegay is a Roehampton University Sacred Heart (RUSH) fellow and visiting lecturer at Roehampton University, School of Education


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