Bloomsbury Book series – Introductions to World Philosophies

Series Editor Monika Kirloskar-Steinbach

Assistant Series Editor Leah Kalmanson

Regional Editors Nader El- Bizri, James Madaio, Sarah Mattice, Takeshi Morisato, Pascah Mungwini, Omar Rivera and Georgina Stewart


Bloomsbury Introductions to World Philosophies delivers primers reflecting exciting new developments in the trajectory of world philosophies. Instead of privileging a single philosophical approach as the basis of comparison, the series provides a platform for diverse philosophical perspectives to accommodate the different dimensions of cross-cultural philosophizing. While introducing thinkers, texts and themes emanating from different world philosophies, each book, in an imaginative and path-breaking way, makes clear how it departs from a conventional treatment of the subject matter. 

Here is a flyer for the first 4 books in the series.

Bloomsbury Introductions to World Philosophies series flyer


Daya Krishna and Twentieth-Century Indian Philosophy is an introduction to the work of one of the most significant Indian philosophers of the 20th century. 




Maori Philosophy is a concise introduction, addressing core philosophical issues including Maori notions of the self, the world, epistemology, the form in which Maori philosophy is conveyed, and whether or not Maori philosophy has a teleological agenda. 




A Practical Guide to World Philosophies is a teaching guide for instructors looking to broaden their view of philosophy, diversify their teaching or discover a new way of thinking about our place in the world. 



Philosophy of Science and The Kyoto School is an introduction to 20th-century Japanese philosophy that uses the founding members of the Kyoto School and their impact on the philosophy of science to explain central ideas. 

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