Call for Articles, Columns, & Reviews – Voices for Educational Equity

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Call for Articles, Columns, & Reviews – Voices for Educational Equity (formerly Success in High-Need Schools Journal)

Volume 17, Number 2: Walking the Talk

Volume 18, Number 1: Partnerships: Teacher Shortages, Affordability, Competency, and Equity

The journal has broadened its mission to become more national and international in scope with a newly established editorial board, and has a new name, Voices for Educational Equity, which better reflects contemporary educational priorities, including growing societal concerns about impacts of inequity.  The journal will continue to highlight scholarly research and innovative ideas and practices on emerging as well as persistent longtime issues, and to invite the perspectives of all stakeholders in order to promote a productive dialogue and will continue its open access format, posted twice each year.

We invite scholars and scholar practitioners to submit articles that will be refereed, and expanded content to include book and media reviews and our established format of scholarly articles and opinion columns.  Editorial board members will review issues for final editorial approval before they are posted.

The COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated decades long issues that educators have grappled: chronic teacher shortages, rising educational costs which combined with high student debt and modest educator salaries reduce the career attractiveness of the teaching profession, and inequities in school funding between wealthy and poor districts, as well as persistent racial inequities.  It appears that the new Biden administration will provide leadership in addressing such problems.  Consequently, the journal invites authors to  contribute pieces for upcoming issue on the themes, Walking the Talk  and Partnerships.

Walking the Talk invites presenters at the Center for Success annual conference, June 11, 2021, to submit their presentations in the form of scholarly articles or opinion columns to the journal by September 1, 2021.  The conference Call seeks presentation proposals that describe successful programs or practices implementing policy goals in areas such as:

  • diversity, equity, structural injustices and student achievement
  • teacher leadership and professional development
  • reimagining education including lessons learned (in-person, remote, and hybrid teaching)
  • student social and emotional learning

Partnerships Authentic partnerships are born out of opportunities to create “win/win” outcomes.  For example, university stakeholders in education who want to increase the number of teacher leaders in their programs might partner with a school district to improve teacher retention by creating career pathways via teacher leader endorsements educators earn in Teacher Leader program.  As well, a third ‘win’ may occur as teacher longevity increases their effectiveness bringing about higher student achievement.  Partnerships might also increase both efficiency and effectiveness in preparing teachers while inspiring and building a PK-12 pipeline to college in minority, urban and rural communities, or might result in using educational resources more productively.  In addition to featuring innovative partnerships between schools and colleges at all levels, the journal invites ways that governments, foundations, and non-profits, plus stakeholders such as parents, communities, and businesses might become partners.  The deadline for submissions is January 15, 2022.

Articles and columns should be submitted as Word document email attachments to Jerry Berberet, editor (  Case studies addressing equity concerns are especially welcomed.  Articles and case studies should be 2,500-5,000 words and include a short author bio, an abstract of 100-200 words, a brief review of relevant research literature bearing on the article subject, and a reference bibliography.  Columns are opinion pieces, ordinarily of 500-1,000 words, reflecting the views of the author.  Book reviews should be 500-750 words in length.  Authors are invited to email Jerry Berberet or call (850-766-2656) to discuss a potential submission, request referee protocols, or to ask questions.  Google Success in High-Need Schools Journal to review past issues of the Journal.

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