Educational Philosophy and Theory – EPAT – editorials & articles – October 2021

Editorials – Free Access

Michael A. Peters (2021). Civilizational collapse, eschatological narratives and apocalyptic philosophy. Educational Philosophy and Theory.


Liz Jackson & Amy N. Sojot (2021). ‘If someone discovers these gentle pot-stirrings…’: An interview with Nesta Devine. Educational Philosophy and Theory.


Chengbing WangMichael A. PetersWang YichuanWu XiangdongNie JinfangZhang LiboXue JiLei ChenYang LiyinLiu Ying & Liu Xiang (2021). Contemporary Chinese Marxism: Basic research orientations. Educational Philosophy and Theory.

Eryong Xue & Jian Li (2021). Standardization of compulsory schooling in China: Politics, practices, challenges and suggestions. Educational Philosophy and Theory.

Jian Li & Eryong Xue (2021). Unpacking policy evaluation and measurement of creating world-class universities in China: an integrated policy analysis. Educational Philosophy and Theory.

Guanglun Michael Mu & Bonnie Pang (2021). Repurposing field analysis for a relational and reflexive sociology of Chinese diasporas. Educational Philosophy and Theory.

Michael A. PetersChengbing WangHan ZhenShi ZhongyingShen XiangpingLei ChenYu XinFu YulianXu Kefei & Wei Fei (2021). Contemporary Chinese Marxism: Social visions and philosophy of education – An EPAT collective project. Educational Philosophy and Theory.

Book reviews

Maya LestariNurhasanah & Euis Kurniati (2021). [Review of the book Neoliberalism and early childhood education: markets, imaginaries and governance, by G. Roberts-Holmes & P. Moss]. Educational Philosophy and Theory.

Linda Henderson (2021). [Review of the book Children and the ethics of creativity: Rhythmic affectensities in early childhood education, by V. J. Hargraves]. Educational Philosophy and Theory.

Barbara Katz Rothman (2021). [Review of the book Women, biomedical research and art: A relationality in tension by ninette rothmüller, by N. Rothmüller]. Educational Philosophy and Theory.

James M. Magrini (2021). [Review of the book Environmental consciousness, nature and the philosophy of education, by M. Bonnett]. Educational Philosophy and Theory.

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