Information for Authors

Style Guide for Authors

So your work can reach a wide lay audience, our PESAAgora site requires a journalistic, rather than an academic style of writing.

  • Select a short title to capture people’s interests – no sub-titles.
  • Please do not reference your work in traditional academic style. Use both first and family names for authors.
  • Use italics for book titles mentioned in your text, and the year if relevant to your article and links as appropriate, e.g. Søren Kierkegaard’s Works of Love (1847) – though less frequently considered a core text of moral philosophy…. the philosophical treatise known as the Ethics (1677) by Baruch Spinoza  … Simone de Beauvoir’s  essay on ethics, Pyrrhus and Cinéas (1944)
  • You can use links within your article. e.g. … in his memoir,  Following the Argument: A Philosophical Memoir
  • Paraphrase, rather than use quotations. If you need to use a quotation, it must be brief and fit with ‘fair use’ Use single quote marks if in text.
  • Quotes longer than 30 words must be indented – max 70 words for indented quotes.
  • Provide a photo or image that we can use to introduce and highlight your article.
  • It is ok to have visual items, such as photos, illustrations, charts and links to videos etc within your article. You can use Wikimedia Commons or other media that is freely available.
  • Provide the word count for your work
  • Provide a brief bio – max 60 words – your position, institution, research interests & recent work (if any) that aligns with this article.
  • Include a link to your website &/ or a longer academic article that your article is based in is ok.
  • Also send a thumbnail photo we can use to highlight our writers and their bios, e.g. Jane Doe is a professor in philosophy and education at Institute of Education,  University College, London. She is a fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, a fellow of the Philosophy of Education Society of Australasia, secretary of the Foucault Society, and managing editor of Educational Philosophy and Theory. Her latest book is  xxx (2019).
  • Add a Disclosure statement: x  x does not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organization that would benefit from this article, and has disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond their academic appointment.
  • Order for paper:
    • Title
    • Author name
    • Bio
    • Word count
    • Article
    • Disclosure statement (if any)
  • Use left align, 12 point, Times New Roman font
  • Leave a line between paragraphs.
  • Use your name for your file & first words of your title (e.g. BSmithChildrenPhil.docx) & send your file to:
  • Please provide your article as a single Microsoft Word .docx file including images within the body of the document.

Our website will format your article for publication which will be copyedited by our team.