Since the postmodernist theses on 'the death of man', postcolonial discourses such as Homi Bhabha' s have been trying to present a new version without involving the Hegelian thesis. However, in this paper, it is my argument that Homi Bhabha' s discourse is still influenced by the Hegelian thesis. This paper begins with the analysis of Bhabha' s theoretical work, including the discussion of the relationship to poststructuralism and modernity. It then turns to an examination of new theoretical inventions, such as 'temporalities' and 'inbetween' theses. I then elaborate Bhabha' s thesis of two 'temporalities': temporality of proposition, and temporality of enunciation. This paper concludes with critique of Bhabha' s 'in-between space.'

ACCESS Archive
Homi Bhabha, modernity and differences
Vol 17, Number 2, p.130