Imagine an ideological war over education that has been raging for a decade with few signs of peace. Picture the battle pocked education landscape and the assortment of pre-war and more recent structures. Now move beneath the surface, away from the battle noise and grand maneuvers to discover Dip Bus: dazed, bruised, unwary war casualty. Still alive, still functioning, doing good. Is Dip Bus worth rescuing from the no-man's land between the unitisers and the universities? This short biography of Dip Bus, from its conception before the war, discovers a practicable, relevant, reliable, available Dip Bus, integrated by nature, reared in a welcoming and functional extended family. Today life is hard but the family is still together and this living, breathing, adaptable, mid-tertiary identity has the character to continue to be the mainstay of Polytech business education.

ACCESS Archive
Anybody want a Dip Bus?: Re-discovering Dip Bus in the debris of the education war
Vol 19, Number 1, p.74