What the author terms ‘transitional drawings’ are produced in both the social and autonomous context, and employ abbreviated forms of drawing and other sign-use characterised by indeterminacy, the postponement of premature closure, and the use of ready-to-hand surfaces of inscription that are both dispensable and expendable. This paper correlates the relation of transitional drawings on ready-to-hand surfaces to the experience of early sign use, the mediation this allows between the inner and external world of signs, and the generation of “potential space” (Winnicott, 1971/1982) or “the space between the symbol and the symbolized [where] an interpreting subject comes into being” (Ogden, 1989: 11-12). The paper suggests that transitional drawing on the ready-to-hand enhances the agent’s ability to effectively bridge the gap between the inner and the outer world of signs in the generation, modification and development of ideas.

ACCESS Archive
Drawing on the ‘ready-to-hand’
Vol 30, Number 1, p.24