Price, market and ‘value’ are examined here as a way of focusing on the historical contribution of the ACCESS journal to the philosophy of education. I reflect on the value of the journal for its critical engagement with the politics of education, by drawing special attention to Volume 23, Issue 1, ‘The Will to Certainty: Teacher Education and the Politics of Censure’, and in particular the presentation of the educational subject already in chains predetermined by the rationalised censure of knowledge. The articles in that special issue serve as an antidote to the condition of homo economicus, in that they scrutinise the relations between political ideologies and politics and their inscription in the practices of teacher education. They question the ideological content of assumptions about education from the market perspective, exposing the conditions of policy and practice in teacher education, thus posing counternarratives to official narratives of education. As these issues continue to be relevant regarding the terms on which educational value could be set they deserve further reflection as presented here.

ACCESS Archive
Value 2.0
Vol 32, Number , p.30