The purpose of this study was to evaluate the current initiatives in the field of Mind, Brain, and Education (MBE) science that have potentially impacted the teaching-learning dynamic. Previous research, including a 2007-2008 International Delphi Panel on Mind, Brain, and Education, and a 2017 International Delphi Panel 10-year follow-up (Tokuhama-Espinosa) served as the primary source of review. The 2019-2020 survey sought to confirm the validity of the 2017 findings as well as to address additional components of teacher practices. Three-hundred and fifty-eight experts were invited to participate, and 112 actually completed the survey. These MBE, Educational Neuroscientists and Neuroeducators came from 30 different counties and were asked nine questions in which there was varying levels of consensus, suggesting a growing global consensus on teacher knowledge that should be incorporated into educator professional development. More research is needed on programs proclaiming to use Mind, Brain, and Education science in comparison with findings from this study in order to validate both current practice as well as explore new areas of teacher education.

ACCESS Archive
Evaluating what Mind, Brain, and Education has taught us about teaching and learning
Vol 40, Number 1, p.63