Critical University Studies Conference 2024

Critical University Studies Conference 2024
The Education University of Hong Kong, June 19-21, 2024

The 2024 theme of the conference is ‘Rage against the machine: Remaking universities for hopeful futures.’ It is intended to energise researchers and scholars to enquire into all the usual and multi-layered aspects of university work (practices of teaching, research, citizenship or service) but with renewed attention to possible and hopeful transformations. And we hope it will provoke some new foci for enquiry as well. We need to understand more clearly and more deeply the nature of contemporary changes and constancies in the university as well as their many effects for all who dwell there. We also need to understand how these matters and their effects impinge on the place of universities within their societies and within far-reaching formations such as globalisation, financialised capitalism, and a wide range of social-political upheavals.

We welcome submissions in a range of different styles ( and on a wide variety of topics – or ways of apprehending/studying the university – and we are especially interested in those that ask critical questions of their material. More traditional themes might include academic capitalism, academic work and practice, curriculum, doctoral education, internationalisation/globalisation, leadership and management, and performativity. Newer themes might include affect and bodies, ecologies of knowledges, neo-nationalism and the university, relationality and mattering, studying, teaching the university, temporality and spatiality.

Key Dates
Deadline for submission of abstracts: 30 October 2023
Notification of acceptance: 10 December 2023
Conference dates: 19-21 June 2024

Abstract Submission
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