For over two decades, philosopher Tyson E. Lewis has produced an impressive and sprawling body of work organised around the pursuit of alternative forms of educational life. By doing so, he’s staged radical interventions in fields such as educational philosophy, aesthetics, political theory, and cultural studies, inventing new theoretical vocabularies and pedagogical practices to disrupt and suspend systems of oppression and exploitation. Reading and rewriting authors from diverse political orientations in surprising and unique ways, Lewis charts constellations of educational concepts and protocols that move beyond the dominant organisation of our lives and our world. As Stefano Harney and Fred Moten wrote once, ‘Lewis prepares us to improvise by showing us how […] we already do just that.’ In the first collection of his previously unpublished lectures, Educational Potentialities provides an opening for all of us – as organisers and educators, theorists and artists – to access and engage the revolutionary potentialities present in every moment.
Lewis, T. E. (2023). Educational potentialities: Collected talks on revolutionary education, aesthetics and organisation. Iskra.