A new issue of Interstices: The Arts of Spinoza + Pacific Spinoza

A special issue of Interstices: Journal of Architecture and Related Arts on Spinoza has now been published: “The Arts of Spinoza + Pacific Spinoza,” edited by Eu Jin Chua and Farzaneh Haghighi. See https://interstices.ac.nz/index.php/Interstices/issue/view/37

As Chua writes in the introduction,

there are probably more people interested in Spinoza now than any other time in history. It seems more true than ever that Spinoza is a philosopher of our time; toss a stone, hit a Spinozist (even in New Zealand). There is a “current flourishing of Spinoza studies all over the world” (Steenbakkers, 2018, p. 20). Carlisle and Melamed (2020) even suggest that the Spinoza resurgence constitutes a paradigm shift: “In many ways, Spinoza is now replacing Kant and Descartes as both the compass and the watershed of modern thought” (p. 9). The recognition of Spinoza as a watershed owes something to Jonathan Israel’s work (2001), the argument of which, supported by a vast range of historical documents, might be summarised as: Spinoza was the invisible demiurge of modernity since everyone had read him, yet he was so heretical that no-one could admit it. Perhaps this is one practical matter that explains the burgeoning of Spinoza: we can now all admit it. Meaning there’s never been a better time to study Spinoza. (p. 17)

This publication comes out of a symposium in Auckland that was partly funded with a conference grant from PESA. It features articles by Sue Ruddick, Michael LeBuffe, Carl Mika, Sean Sturm and Stephen Turner, Gokhan Kodalak, Jonathan Lahey Dronsfield, and Paul James, with an introduction by Eu Jin Chua. It is open access.

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