AVP Conference June 9-11, 2021 — Exploring Visual Worlds of Education, in context of Crises and New Spaces of Opportunities

The Association for Visual Pedagogies (AVP) Conference June 9-11, 2021 is in collaboration with Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Bergen, Norway:

Exploring Visual Worlds of Education, in context of Crises and New Spaces of Opportunities 

Exploring Visual Worlds of Education  addresses  our ever-shifting global context. The 2021 hybrid conference will feature both asynchronous and synchronous events. The asynchronous events will consist of pre-recorded presentations from the key notes and artistic events.

The paper sessions, symposiums and workshops will be synchronic events following a time and place schedule.  A limited number of workshops will be held on site (Norway, Bergen campus) and can be attended virtually.

If you are interested in ANY aspect of visuality (video, art, film, image) and its relationship to learning this conference is for YOU! It is free to AVP members and you can join by following the links:

AVP Conference registration: https://www.hvl.no/en/research/conference/VisualworldsofEducation/

AVP General Membership (waged): https://visualpedagogies.com/general-membership/

AVP General Membership (unwaged/student): https://visualpedagogies.com/unwaged-membership/

We look forward to seeing you at the conference and perhaps hearing about your work (abstracts close 20 March so the hour is nigh for your submission!). There are also publication opportunities which you can learn about should you wish to publish in our Open Access journal or book series – Video Journal of Education and Pedagogy.

If you wish to discuss any ideas/thoughts, you might have in this regard, please contact  Dr Bridgette Redder

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