Book Launch and Panel: Derek R. Ford’s Teaching the Actuality of Revolution

Saturday, January 21 @ 1pm EST
Sponsored by the People’s Forum, Iskra Books, the Hampton Institute, the Critical Theory Workshop, 1804 Books and others
Join Derek and colleagues for an online book launch for Teaching the Actuality of Revolution: Aesthetics, Unlearning, and the Sensations of Struggle. Exploring the nexus between aesthetics, pedagogy and politics illustrates the central role education plays in reproducing injustice and inhibiting confidence in revolutionary struggle. Ford proposes, by demonstrating how capitalism and its attendant forms of oppression are not merely cognitive but perceptual, that revolutionary education demands the production of aesthetic experiences through which we sense the possibility and actuality of alternative worlds. To create such encounters, they develop a praxis of teaching and a pedagogy of unlearning that, in our current conjuncture, creates conditions for encountering what Jennifer Ponce de León calls ‘an other aesthetics.’ Mapping contemporary capital as a perceptual ecology of structures, social relations, beliefs and feelings, Teaching the Actuality of Revolution provides an extensive new set of concepts, practices and readings for revolutionaries to better plan, enact, reflect on, and refine our organising efforts.
You can register for the event here or watch it on YouTube live here.
You can purchase or download the book here:

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