Living and thinking crisis



From Trevor Hogan, Editor of Thesis Eleven: 

The pandemic which has swept across the world is at once a crisis of public health and of human relationships. It cannot be considered apart from reaction to it by states and other actors. Both the virus and the response are of a scale and speed not matched in living memory. Across the world, this has upended everyday life and is testing the limits of human organization; socially, economically and politically. New possibilities and challenges, new portals and politics lie before us.

This Thesis Eleven online ​project engages with the pandemic in the real-time of its making, set against deeper reflection, looking forward, with critical theories, and back, with historical sociologies. The voices we bring to this project are global and diverse; a kaleidoscopic vantage to an historical crossroad.

Thesis Eleven Online Project: Living and Thinking Crisis. or

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