PDSE Newsletter autumn 2021


PDSE 3(3) is now online! We are grateful to all authors and reviewers for your continued support.

CALL FOR PAPERS: Postdigital Soundscapes: Sonics, Pedagogies, Technologies.  – Special Issue, edited by Derek R. Ford (DePauw University),  scheduled for October 2022. Please find the Call for Papers under this link.  Extended abstract Submission deadline is 1 December 2021.    

CALL FOR PAPERS: Education in The Automated Age – Special Issue,  edited by Neil Selwyn, Carlo Perrotta (Monash University, Australia), Thomas Hillman, Annika Bergviken-Rensfeldt (University of Gothenburg, Sweden),  scheduled for January 2023. Please find the Call for Papers under this link  Abstract Submission deadline is 24 January 2022.    

POSTDIGITAL SCIENCE AND EDUCATION BOOK SERIES complements the Postdigital Science and Education journal and together they provide a complete, whole-rounded publishing ecosystem for researchers working in the field. The journal and the book series have the same name and Editor-in Chief but are editorially independent and have separate Editorial Boards.

Published and forthcoming books for 2021-2022:


  • Bioinformational Philosophy and Postdigital Knowledge Ecologies, Michael Peters, Petar Jandrić, and Sarah Hayes (Eds)
  • Postdigital Ecopedagogies: Genealogies, Contradictions, and Possible Futures,  Petar Jandrić and Derek Ford (Eds)
  •  Postdigital Theologies: Technology, Belief, and Practice, John Reader and Maggi Savin-Baden (Eds)  Please find the Call for Chapters under this link and also enclosed to this Newsletter. Extended deadline for extended abstracts is 1 November 2021.
  • Human Data Interaction, Disadvantage and Skills in the Community: Enabling Cross-Sector Environments for Postdigital Inclusion edited by Sarah Hayes, Stuart Connor, Matt Johnson, Michael Joplin (Eds). Connecting Cross-sector Community Voices: Data, Disadvantage, and Postdigital Inclusion. Please find the Call for Chapters under this link and also enclosed to this Newsletter. Deadline for full chapter submission is 1 March 2022.
  • If you would like to pitch a book proposal, please get in touch.

We wish everyone to stay safe and healthy in the Covid-19 pandemic!

Petar Jandrić, Editor-in-Chief, and PDSE Editorial Team

FORTHCOMING PDSE ISSUES – Accepted articles are immediately published as Online First and compiled into issues according to the following schedule:

  • PDSE 4(1) – January 2022 (Special Issue)
  • PDSE 4(2) – April 2022 (Regular Issue)
  • PDSE 4(3) – October 2022 (Regular Issue)

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