PESA Agora Newsletter November 2020


Welcome to our 3rd PESA Agora Newsletter.  We have a lot of new articles every month, including selected EPAT editorials (Impact Factor, 2019 is 1.415 ) and ACCESS: Contemporary Issues in Education, Volume 40, our open access online journal:

Seeking and sending signals: Remodelling teaching practice during the Covid-19 crisis, Allison Littlejohn

Evaluating what Mind, Brain, and Education has taught us about teaching and learning, Tracey Tokuhama-Espinosa and Ali Nouri

To submit a Column, Idea, Video or place a CFP/ Notice, to PESA
Agora contact;  or to submit a paper to Access contact

With the festive season approaching, we are having our first funding drive, so if you are able to, please go to our website and donate to PESA Agora, to fund its ongoing development. There are options for a one-off donation or
a monthly one.

PESA Agora is part of the Philosophy of Education Society of Australasia (PESA), a learned society incorporated in Australia as a not-for-
profit, registered charity, ABN (Australian Business Number) 57 432 755 082. All transactions are handled for PESA through the secure payment
gateway Stripe. Our accounts are audited annually.

We really appreciate any gift you are able to make to our ongoing success –

thank you very much!

We hope you all are able to celebrate this festive time as much as Covid-19
limitations permit in your part of the world and that you and loved ones stay

Seasons greetings to you all

 from the PESA Agora team

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