QTimes – Journal of Education, Technology and Social Studies

CFP for Vol 1/2021: 

Research perspectives on Artificial Intelligence and education of QTimes – Journal of Education, Technology and SocialStudies is online.

Research perspectives on Artificial Intelligence and Education Recent developments on Artificial Intelligence (AI) allowed to define new systems to collect and process empirical data that involve also educational research by a multi-perspective approach. Currently, the level of digitalization of schools is increasing the amount of big data, that stimulate new AI models based on the analysis of contents and processes in different fields. A first area, for example, relates to the creation of intelligent teaching/learning environments, personalizable and oriented towards inclusive training systems; able to guarantee an overall access to knowledge, to identify significant models and transform them into structured knowledge to improve both the school organization and classroom teaching.

Go to the pdf for link for the call on Research perspectives on Artificial Intelligence and Education:


Abstract proposal: November 30th, 2020

Approval of the abstract: by December 7th, 2020

Submission of the paper: by January 7th, 2020

Refereeing and communication of the results: January 22th, 2020

Time allowed for changes and modifications requested by Referees, in case of approval: January 31th, 2020

Conclusion of editing and publication: February 10th, 2020

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