Tag Archives: Adorno

Critical Theory in a Decolonial Age

Jan McArthur, Senior Lecturer in the Department of Educational Research at Lancaster University, joins the Collective Intellectualities crew in this episode to discuss her recent article, ‘Critical Theory in a Decolonial Age,’ in Educational Philosophy and Theory, which is also available on PESA Agora. Informed by Critical Theory, and particularly Adorno, Jan’s work examines education, […]

Jan McArthur

Jan McArthur is Senior Lecturer at Lancaster University, UK. Her research spans two themes: education and social justice, and the nature of higher education. She explores different interpretations of critical pedagogy, in particular ways that conceptualisations of knowledge impact upon social justice. Particular interests are critical theory and Theodor Adorno's work. Her 2018 book Assessment for Social Justice:Perspectives and Practices within Higher Education draws on the critical theory of Axel Honneth. Jan is Australian who engaged with Indigenous issues since school years. She lives in Scotland but works in England.