Tag Archives: algorithms

Algorithmic nationalism

Tracking discourses of danger on Baidu and Google

The bilateral Sino-US relationship has long been described as the world’s most important and complex. It is then well worth asking, how can the Chinese and American publics become better informed on the nuanced complexities of the other?  Such a simple question now feels particularly prudent, especially in this period of tense relations alternatively labelled […]

Full Citation Information:
Crain, D. E. (2021). Algorithmic nationalism: Tracking discourses of danger on Baidu and Google. PESA Agora. https://pesaagora.com/columns/algorithmic-nationalism/

Daniel E. Crain

Daniel E. Crain is a recent graduate of Peking University’s School of International Studies, a Zhixing China-US Fellow, and a co-director for the Beijing chapter of Young China Watchers (YCW). Daniel’s recent research has been published in Educational Philosophy and Theory and the Encyclopedia of Educational Innovation. His work focuses on the politics of digital media, critical IR theory and Sino-US relations.