Post-Digital Fascism and the Escape from Freedom
Critical Pedagogy and the Struggle for an Anti-Fascist Counterpublic Sphere

When Fox News and other news organisations on the US far right accuse public school teachers of ‘woke’ attempts at ‘grooming’ or ‘sexualising’ children by allegedly prompting them to consider changing their gender, or turning themselves into ‘furries’ and defecating in litter boxes provided by the school administration, or serving as surrogates for the LGBTQI+ […]
McLaren, P. (2022). Post-Digital Fascism and the Escape from Freedom: Critical Pedagogy and the Struggle for an Anti-Fascist Counterpublic Sphere. PESA Agora. https://pesaagora.com/columns/post-digital-fascism-and-the-escape-from-freedom/