Tag Archives: authoritarianism

Trump’s Torching of America

Some Reflections on the Demolition of Democracy

In the looming spectre of a Trump triumph in November 2024, democracy finds itself ensnared in a dark and foreboding web. Much like Grendel, the malevolent creature of ancient myth whose lineage traces back to the Biblical figure Cain, Trump prowls the political landscape tormented by a relentless hunger for power and dominance. Like Grendel, who […]

Full Citation Information:
McLaren, P. (2024). Trump’s Torching of America: Some Reflections on the Demolition of Democracy. PESA Agora. https://pesaagora.com/columns/trumps-torching-of-america/

Peter McLaren

Peter McLaren is Emeritus Professor at the Graduate School of Education and Information Studies, University of California, Los Angeles. From 2013-2023 he served as Distinguished Professor in Critical Studies, Co-Director and International Ambassador for Global Ethics and Social Justice, The Paulo Freire Democratic Project, Attallah College of Educational Studies, Chapman University, USA.

Article Feature Image Acknowledgement: Creator: Ted Eytan Copyright: This material is licensed to the public under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License