Tag Archives: Avicenna

Free speech and education in the Arab and Islamic world

The curriculum of metaphysics

Integrating free speech in education in the Arab world entails renewing scholarly interest in Islamic studies of metaphysics, and not necessarily, as is often the case, through recourse to Western philosophical discourses. Revisiting this often-overlooked Islamic intellectual tradition becomes essential to the advancement of free speech; more specifically, a contingency-based approach reduces the risk of […]

Full Citation Information:
Abdul-Jabbar, W. K. (2021). Free speech and education in the Arab and Islamic world: The curriculum of metaphysics. PESA Agora. https://pesaagora.com/columns/free-speech-and-education-in-the-arab-and-islamic-world/

Wisam Kh. Abdul-Jabbar

Wisam Kh. Abdul-Jabbar is an adjunct professor at the University of Alberta and adjunct faculty at Yorkville University, Canada. His most recent book is Negotiating Diasporic Identity in Arab-Canadian Students: Double Consciousness, Belonging, and Radicalization (Palgrave Macmillan, 2019). His upcoming book is Medieval Muslim Philosophies and Contemporary Intercultural Education: Fostering Dialogues of Difference (Routledge, 2022). His research considers how intercultural competency resonates with minority and diasporic identity. It also explores convergences of seemingly different cultures within the context of language education. His research looks at intercultural practices to help better integrate immigrants and create a culturally responsive curriculum.