Tag Archives: Braidotti

Posthuman Critical Thought: Rosi Braidotti in Tāmaki Makaurau|Auckland

PESA is excited to bring Rosi Braidotti to Tāmaki Makaurau|Auckland and to offer two sessions with her: a masterclass open to all post-graduate students and ECRs (register here): Posthuman Critical Thought: Post Grad & ECR Masterclass with Rosi Braidotti a facilitated discussion open to all academics and the general public (register here): Posthuman Critical Thought: In […]


I am writing in my solipsistic enchainment, my hermetic island of withdrawal, quarantine, confinement, isolation and loneliness. There is a real perversion in thinking this new world of mine, not so much a world-without-others as us-without-the-world. Thinking from the world-without-others to the world-without-us and then us-without-the-world has taken on a life of its own in […]

Full Citation Information:
Bradley, J. (2020). Us-without-the-world. PESA Agora. Retrieved from https://pesaagora.com/columns/us-without-the-world/

Joff Bradley

Joff P. N. Bradley is Professor of English in the Faculty of Foreign Languages at Teikyo University in Tokyo, Japan and visiting professor at Jamia Millia Islamia University in New Delhi, India and visiting research fellow at Kyung Hee University is Seoul, South Korea.