Tag Archives: care

Taking care seriously in education

A philosophical problem for policy

The New Zealand government is in year three of a 10-year strategic plan to build a ‘planned and coherent’ education ecosystem – but it has failed to make any tangible progress.  Early childhood is in a state of crisis, crying out for qualified staff, and parents are struggling to afford the cost of childcare worsened by […]

Full Citation Information:
Harrington, C., & Gibbons, A. (2022). Taking care seriously in education: A philosophical problem for policy. PESA Agora. https://pesaagora.com/columns/taking-care-seriously-in-education/

Celeste Harrington

Celeste Harrington is an early childhood teacher with over 20 years experience. She teaches teachers at Auckland University of Technology. She is a passionate advocate for children, reading for pleasure, children’s literature and the importance of diversity in children’s literature. Celeste is on several committees that advocate for children’s reading, including IBBY (International Board for Books for Young Children), Kids Lit Quiz™ and Storylines.

Andrew Gibbons

Andrew Gibbons is an early childhood teacher, teacher educator and Professor at the School of Education, AUT - Auckland University of Technology. He has previously worked in journalism, and social services in England. He is an executive committee member of the Association of Visual Pedagogies and a member and former secretary of the Philosophy of Education Society of Australasia.

Philosophy-Based Ethics as an Alternative to Religious Education in Australian Government Schools

In Australia and New Zealand, faith-based religious classes are still permitted in government schools, and this is the source of considerable controversy. Religious Instruction (RI), where students receive instruction in one religion, most commonly Christianity, is distinct from General Religious Education (GRE). The latter involves students learning about a range of religious and non-religious perspectives […]

Full Citation Information:
Bleazby, J. (2021). Philosophy-Based Ethics as an Alternative to Religious Education in Australian Government Schools. PESA Agora. https://pesaagora.com/columns/philosophy-based-ethics-as-an-alternative-to-religious-education-in-australian-government-schools/

Jennifer Bleazby

Jennifer Bleazby is senior lecturer in the Faculty of Education, Monash University, Australia. Prior to taking up her position at Monash University, she worked as a philosophy, history, humanities and media studies teacher in both government and independent secondary schools. Her main areas of research are philosophy of education; philosophy for children; ethics and religion in schools; children's rights; curriculum theory; feminist philosophy; and pragmatism, especially the philosophy of John Dewey. Jennifer is currently conducting a research project on religious education in Australian government schools, generously funded by a Rationalist Society of Australia Patron's Grant.

Article Feature Image Acknowledgement: Photo by CDC on Unsplash

What has the pandemic ever done for me?

At the outset, I want to state that I do believe that COVID-19 is a serious health, social, economic and moral problem. COVID-19 exists and can bring huge sorrow and suffering. It is real, and it is discriminatory. It finds the injustices in our society of poverty and ethnicity and exploits them in its destructive […]

Full Citation Information:
Gibbs, P. (2020). What has the pandemic ever done for me? PESA Agora. https://pesaagora.com/ideas/what-has-the-pandemic-ever-done-for-me/
Ideas are Open Access, freely available for readers to download and copy with proper attribution with a CC – BY – ND licence

Paul Gibbs

Professor Paul Gibbs is Director of Education Research at the University of Middlesex, and an Honorary Research Fellow at the Open University in Hong Kong and the University of Cyprus. He has published 20 books on topics ranging from the marketing of higher education to vocationalism and higher education, informed by an approach to transdisciplinarity that draws on Heidegger, neo-Confucian thought and the insights of Basarab Nicolescu.