Tag Archives: cultural programmes in prisons

Challenges facing a Māori prison education leader

Mereana Te Pere &Georgina Tuari Stewart
My eyes were opened to the lingering touches of the GDR and the distrust sewn between families, friends, and neighbors through 40 years of occupation. During a tour of the Statsi Prison in Berlin, I was able to slip away from the group and capture the empty hall where so many experienced the horrors of oppression and false-accusation.

Mereana Te Pere and Georgina Tuari Stewart Te Ara Poutama, Auckland University of Technology (AUT), Aotearoa New Zealand   Abstract Māori are severely over-represented in the prison population of Aotearoa New Zealand, making up over half of all prisoners, despite being only about 15% of the national population. These Māori statistics are well-known, and support […]

Full Citation Information:
Te Pere, M., & Stewart, G. T. (2021). Challenges facing a Māori prison education leader. ACCESS: Contemporary Issues in Education, 41(2), 33-43. https://doi.org/10.46786/ac21.4929
Article Feature Image Acknowledgement: Photo by Matthew Ansley on Unsplash