Tag Archives: decolonisation

Educators must help defeat the new racist and imperialist ‘Red Scare’

Introduction: Racism and imperialism unite ‘both sides of the aisle’ Responding to criticism of the political system of the newly-independent Tanzania, the great African teacher, revolutionary and theorist Julius Nyerere responded, observing ‘the United States is also a one-party state, but with typical American extravagance, they have two of them.’ He was and is right. […]

Full Citation Information:
Ford, D. R. (2023). Educators must help defeat the new racist and imperialist ‘Red Scare.’ PESA Agora. https://pesaagora.com/columns/educators-must-help-defeat-the-new-racist-and-imperialist-red-scare/

Derek R. Ford

Derek R. Ford is a teacher, organiser and educational theorist who serves as associate professor of education studies at DePauw University and as an instructor with The People’s Forum. Their work has appeared in a range of academic journals, including Critical Education and Cultural Studies, as well as popular outlets like Black Agenda Report, Monthly Review, Peace, Land and Bread and the International Magazine. They also hosted the popular podcast series Reading ‘Capital’ with Comrades.

They’ve published eight monographs on pedagogy and revolutionary struggles, the latest of which is Teaching the Actuality of Revolution: Aesthetics, Unlearning and the Sensations of Struggle (2023). Their organising and research on the pedagogy of anti-imperialism, anti-racism and internationalist struggles recently appeared in International Magazine and Black Agenda Report and featured on episodes of CovertAction Bulletin and Revolutionary Left Radio. They are the editor of Liberation School and a contributing editor at the Hampton Institute, as well as an organiser with the Indianapolis Liberation Center, ANSWER Coalition, the International Manifesto Group and others. You can reach them at derekford@depauw.edu

Recent works by Derek include:

Experiments in Decolonising the University

Towards an Ecology of Study

From Experiments in Decolonising the University: Towards an Ecology of Study (Routledge, 2021) Introduction: Inhabiting the Ruins of Excellence The military outpost of Oush Grab – the Crow’s Nest – is situated between the city of Bethlehem and the Judean desert at the narrow bottleneck of the migratory paths of birds of different feathers. Yearly, […]

Full Citation Information:
Schildermans, H. (2023). Experiments in Decolonising the University: Towards an Ecology of Study. PESA Agora. https://pesaagora.com/columns/experiments-in-decolonising-the-university/

Hans Schildermans

Hans works at the University of Vienna. He wrote Experiments in Decolonizing the University: Towards an Ecology of Study (Bloomsbury, 2021). Currently, he is working on a book about how different ideas of the university have been enacted historically under the influence of alternative imaginations of social and technical futures. He has an interest in higher education, educational history and theory, and science and technology studies.

Critical Theory in a Decolonial Age

Jan McArthur, Senior Lecturer in the Department of Educational Research at Lancaster University, joins the Collective Intellectualities crew in this episode to discuss her recent article, ‘Critical Theory in a Decolonial Age,’ in Educational Philosophy and Theory, which is also available on PESA Agora. Informed by Critical Theory, and particularly Adorno, Jan’s work examines education, […]

Jan McArthur

Jan McArthur is Senior Lecturer at Lancaster University, UK. Her research spans two themes: education and social justice, and the nature of higher education. She explores different interpretations of critical pedagogy, in particular ways that conceptualisations of knowledge impact upon social justice. Particular interests are critical theory and Theodor Adorno's work. Her 2018 book Assessment for Social Justice:Perspectives and Practices within Higher Education draws on the critical theory of Axel Honneth. Jan is Australian who engaged with Indigenous issues since school years. She lives in Scotland but works in England.

Critical theory in a decolonial age

Published online: 08 Jun 2021
woman in red hoodie standing on brown field during daytime

Abstract This article considers the critical theory of the Frankfurt School in the context of decolonisation and asks whether it can have continuing relevance given its foundations in white, western traditions which bear the hallmarks of colonialism. Despite critical theory, particularly in its early radical figurations, situating itself as an alternative to traditional western philosophy, […]

Full Citation Information:
McArthur, J. (2021). Critical theory in a decolonial age, Educational Philosophy and Theory. DOI: 10.1080/00131857.2021.1934670

Jan McArthur

Jan McArthur is Senior Lecturer at Lancaster University, UK. Her research spans two themes: education and social justice, and the nature of higher education. She explores different interpretations of critical pedagogy, in particular ways that conceptualisations of knowledge impact upon social justice. Particular interests are critical theory and Theodor Adorno's work. Her 2018 book Assessment for Social Justice:Perspectives and Practices within Higher Education draws on the critical theory of Axel Honneth. Jan is Australian who engaged with Indigenous issues since school years. She lives in Scotland but works in England.

Article Feature Image Acknowledgement: Photo by Manny Becerra on Unsplash