Tag Archives: Descartes

Descartes and Trust

Descartes Rene Descartes famously argued ‘I think therefore I am.’ His method relied on him having a clear and distinct idea, in this case, ‘I think.’ A less famous argument, but one that has engaged philosophers since, is ‘I doubt therefore I may not be’ or perhaps ‘I may not be as I think I […]

Full Citation Information:
Haynes, B. (2024). Descartes and Trust. PESA Agora. https://pesaagora.com/columns/descartes-and-trust/

Bruce Haynes

Bruce Haynes, FPESA, FPE, is retired after 34 years in teacher education and 50 years of PESA membership. He is founding member, a past president and fellow of PESA, and been always been active member. PESA honours him and Felicity by holding a named lecture at conference. His 2009 papers, in the Educational Philosophy and Theory special issue, Celebration of PESA 40 years, include Philosophy of Education Society of Australasia: The official record, and PESA and I: A long engagement, tell us a lot more about his contribution to PESA.