Tag Archives: ecopedagogy

Biodigitalism and Ecopedagogical Futures

In Collective Intellectualities episode 14, Petar Jandrić, Michael A. Peters, Derek R. Ford and Sarah Hayes discuss biodigitalism and ecopedagogical futures. They focus on two books published in 2022 by Springer: Bioinformational Philosophy and Postdigital Knowledge Ecologies (edited by Michael, Petar, and Sarah) and Postdigital Ecopedagogies: Genealogies, Contradictions and Possible Futures (edited by Petar and […]

Postdigital Ecopedagogies

Genealogies, Contradictions, and Possible Futures

Why Postdigital Ecopedagogies? Ecopedagogy is broadly understood as a pedagogy that covers environmental themes such as climate change, abuse of the environment, or more sustainable living. Ecopedagogy is institutionalized (governmental protection agencies), independent (non-governmental sector), individual (Greta Thunberg), and collective (massive protests against pipelines, power plants, and so on). Ecopedagogy is being researched in all […]

Full Citation Information:
Jandrić, P. (2022). Postdigital Ecopedagogies: Genealogies, Contradictions, and Possible Futures. PESA Agora. https://pesaagora.com/columns/postdigital-ecopedagogies/

Petar Jandrić

Petar Jandrić is Professor at the Zagreb University of Applied Sciences, Croatia, and Visiting Professor at the University of Wolverhampton, UK. He is Editor-in-Chief of Postdigital Science and Education journal and book series. His research focuses on the intersections between critical pedagogy and information and communication technologies.


Ecopedagogy is critical, transformative education for praxis that aims at ending socio-environmental injustices and the human dominance of Nature, countering teaching that separates social and environmental violence, and distances us, as humans, from the rest of nature. Plural in definition, I argue, with others, the concept of ecopedagogies emerged from Paulo Freire’s work on popular […]

Full Citation Information:
Misiaszek, G. (2020). Ecopedagogy. PESA Agora. Retrieved from https://pesaagora.com/ideas/ecopedagogy/
Ideas are Open Access, freely available for readers to download and copy with proper attribution with a CC – BY – ND licence

Greg Misiaszek

Greg W. Misiaszek is an Assistant Professor of educational theories at Beijing Normal University (BNU) and Associate Director of the Paulo Freire Institute, UCLA.