Tag Archives: Erik Olin Wright

The Public University as a Real Utopia

Towards a Renewal of Higher Education

Covid-19 and the Universities And what about the historically public universities, the concern of this brief book? First and foremost, the pandemic brought to the fore universities as hubs of science and research. After all, it was to science that the world turned for explanations to what was transpiring. In many ways, scientists rose to […]

Full Citation Information:
Aidnik, M. (2024). The Public University as a Real Utopia: Towards a Renewal of Higher Education. PESA Agora. https://pesaagora.com/columns/the-public-university-as-a-real-utopia/

Martin Aidnik

Martin Aidnik currently works as a researcher at Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania. Previously, he was a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Nottingham, UK. His scholarly interests are the sociology and philosophy of higher education and European studies. He is a member of the PaTHES Philosophy of Higher Education Society. His first book, titled The Public University as a Real Utopia (Palgrave), has just been published.