Tag Archives: evidence-based practice

Neuroscience and educational practice

A critical assessment from the perspective of philosophy of science

Corrado Matta
Published online: 22 Jun 2020
human anatomy model

Abstract The aim of this paper is to reconstruct and critically assess the evidential relationship between neuroscience and educational practice. To do this, I reconstruct a standard way in which evidence from neuroscience is used to support recommendations about educational practice, that is, testing pedagogical interventions using neuroimaging methods, and discuss and critically assess the […]

Full Citation Information:
Corrado Matta (2020) Neuroscience and educational practice – A critical assessment from the perspective of philosophy of science, Educational Philosophy and Theory, DOI: 10.1080/00131857.2020.1773801
Article Feature Image Acknowledgement: Photo by David Matos on Unsplash