Tag Archives: higher education

Opportunities and challenges of women academics of Samtse College of Education

Kinley Seden & Yangdon
white and brown concrete houses near green trees under white clouds during daytime

Kinley Seden and Yangdon Samtse College of Education, Royal University of Bhutan, Thimphu, Bhutan   Abstract Employing a narrative approach, the aim of this study was to contribute to an understanding of how women academics experience career success and challenges, what factors impact success, and how their choices and challenges impact on their career advancement.  […]

Full Citation Information:
Seden, K., & Yangdon (2023). Opportunities and challenges of women academics of Samtse College of Education. ACCESS: Contemporary Issues in Education, 43(1). https://doi.org/10.46786/ac23.1111
Article Feature Image Acknowledgement: Photo by Pema Gyamtsho on Unsplash

The influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on higher education in Ukraine

Crisis or renewal?

Modern Ukrainian higher education is facing a need to respond to a double challenge: on the one hand, it is necessary to keep up with the requirements of the globalised and information society; on the other hand, to take into account objective resource constraints resulting from crisis socio-economic processes within Ukraine and the world economic […]

Full Citation Information:
Lavrysh, Y. (2022). The influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on higher education in Ukraine: Crisis or renewal?. PESA Agora. https://pesaagora.com/epat/the-influence-of-the-covid-19-pandemic-on-higher-education-in-ukraine/

Yuliana Lavrysh

Yuliana Lavrysh currently works at the Faculty of Linguistics, National Technical University of Ukraine Kiev Polytechnic Institute. She does research in Higher Education, Comparative Education and Adult Education. She is the Editor-in-Chief of the journal Advanced Education.