Tag Archives: Journal of Christian Education

PESA Pen Picture Series: Dr Anna Hogg

Short in stature, strong of constitution (she lived to the age of 101), brilliant of mind and distinctively Scottish, Anna Hogg’s name is invoked annually in a ceremonial Oration by the Australian College of Educators (ACE) of which she was a Foundation Member in 1959. But she was also a Foundation Member of PESA, yet […]

Full Citation Information:
Harris, K. (2021). PESA Pen Picture Series: Dr Anna Hogg. PESA Agora. https://pesaagora.com/columns/pesa-pen-picture-series-dr-anna-hogg/

Kevin Harris

Kevin Harris is Emeritus Professor of Education at Macquarie University. He notes that he is enjoying retirement. He writes:

I have previously romanticised myself sufficiently; those interested can look up Educational Philosophy and Theory, 44(5), 450-463. I am now going on 84 and, with apologies to Shakespeare and Keats, I now ‘suffer the thousand natural shocks that flesh is heir to’: that is all ye need to know.

Article Feature Image Acknowledgement: https://www.smh.com.au/national/educator-taught-with-great-passion-20111118-1nn7w.html