Tag Archives: justice

Do educators’ responsibilities stop at the classroom door?

brown wooden door left closed

Michael W. Apple University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, USA   Abstract Schools are crucial sites in the politics of social and cultural transformation. However, we should not limit our work to the internal structures, processes, and content of schooling. The struggles in schools should be organically connected to community-based struggles outside of schools. Therefore, critically […]

Full Citation Information:
Apple, M. W. (2021). Do educators’ responsibilities stop at the classroom door?. ACCESS: Contemporary Issues in Education, 41(1), 89-91. https://doi.org/10.46786/ac21.7219

Michael W. Apple

Michael W. Apple is Hui Yan Chair Distinguished Professor of Education, Beijing Normal University; John Bascom Professor of Curriculum and Instruction and Educational Policy Studies at the University of Wisconsin, Madison.  He is one of the foremost educational theorists in the world and a public intellectual and activist-theorist who is deeply committed to empowerment and transformation of people through education. He has worked with governments, researchers, unions, political movements, and dissident groups around the world on building more critically democratic research, policies, and practices in education, making major contributions to the fields of cultural politics, curriculum theory and research, and critical teaching.


Article Feature Image Acknowledgement: Photo by Brianna Santellan on Unsplash