Tag Archives: leadership

So much more than research

Learning from women leaders in philosophy of education

This interview (link) serves as the introduction to a special issue of Educational Philosophy and Theory (EPAT) that includes a series of interviews with the past women presidents of the Philosophy of Education Society of Australasia (PESA), including Felicity Haynes, Nesta Devine, Tina Besley and Liz Jackson. Liz: This special journal issue and interview series, […]

Full Citation Information:
Jackson, L., & Sojot, A. (2022). So much more than research: Learning from women leaders in philosophy of education. PESA Agora. https://pesaagora.com/columns/so-much-more-than-research/

Liz Jackson

Liz Jackson is Professor of International Education at the Education University of Hong Kong and is PESA Past President and a Fellow of PESA. Liz is an editor for New Directions in the Philosophy of Education Educational Philosophy and Theory: Editor’s Choice, and Deputy Editor for Educational Philosophy and Theory. She has written, Muslims and Islam In US Education: Reconsidering Multiculturalism; and Questioning Allegiance: Resituating Civic Education.

Amy Sojot

Amy Sojot is a PhD candidate in Educational Foundations at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa. Her research interests include aesthetics, philosophy of education, embodied pedagogies, and the ethics of contemporary educational relationalities. Her current work uses new materialism to theorize pedagogy and sensation. With Alex Means, Amy  co-hosts the PESA Agora Podcast series, Collective Intellectualities.


Mobilising tofā sa’ili for ECE leadership

A talanoa confronting dominant conceptualisations from a Pasifika perspective

Maria Cooper & Jacoba Matapo
white and gray optical illusion

Maria Cooper and Jacoba Matapo University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand   Abstract Leadership is about all of us, but dominant frames of leadership serve only a few. In this commentary, we challenge the dominance of Western notions of leadership as linear influence relationships in order to shift Pasifika engagement from the margins. For us, […]

Full Citation Information:
Cooper, M., & Matapo, J. (2021). Mobilising tofā sa’ili for ECE leadership: A talanoa confronting dominant conceptualisations from a Pasifika perspective. ACCESS: Contemporary Issues in Education, 41(2), 26-32. https://doi.org/10.46786/ac21.2955
Article Feature Image Acknowledgement: Photo by JJ Ying on Unsplash

Leading international schools

The questions of cultural and social justice

Nidal Al Haj Sleiman
blue white and red striped flag

Nidal Al Haj Sleiman UCL Institute of Education, London, UK   Abstract This article focuses on international school leadership and raises questions on the mono-dimensional approaches to leading, teaching, and learning in diverse contexts. The growth of international schools all over the world represents increasing patterns of geographic and economic mobility, and the growth of […]

Full Citation Information:
Sleiman, N. A. H. (2021). Leading international schools: The questions of cultural and social justice. ACCESS: Contemporary Issues in Education, 41(2), 16-21. https://doi.org/10.46786/ac21.1881
Article Feature Image Acknowledgement: Photo by Jeremy Bezanger on Unsplash

EDITORIAL | Leadership

naked man statue

‘Leadership’ as a concept, not necessarily using that term, has had various manifestations of the ages. In certain kinds of history classes, ‘Great Men’ were people who ‘created history’—in the way that sports reporters talk of cricketers and footballers ‘making history’ when their scores or feats exceed the norm. Traditional views of Alexander the Great, […]

Full Citation Information:
Devine, N. (2021). Leadership [Editorial]. ACCESS: Contemporary Issues in Education, 41(2), 1-2. https://doi.org/10.46786/ac21.9916

Nesta Devine

Nesta Devine is a Professor of Education at the Auckland University of Technology (AUT) New Zealand. Her work spans education policy and theory, prison education, Pasifika teachers and school exclusion. It aims to disrupt the structures and pedagogical assumptions that can lead to inequities for different groups of learners in Aotearoa/New Zealand. She is the former president of the Philosophy of Education Society of Australasia (PESA) and Associate Editor of Educational Philosophy and Theory (EPAT).

Article Feature Image Acknowledgement: Photo by Simone Pellegrini on Unsplash

A dialogue with Michael Hardt on revolution, joy, and learning to let go

Alexander J. Means, Amy N. Sojot , Yuko Ida & Michael Hardt
Published online: 10 Aug 2020
gray concrete statue under blue sky during daytime

Abstract In this wide-ranging conversation, Michael Hardt reflects on recent transformations within Empire. Several unique themes emerge concerning power and pedagogy as they intersect with subjectivity and global crisis. Drawing on the common in conjunction with the tradition of love in education uncovers a different path that attends to today’s real political, ecological, and social […]

Full Citation Information:
Alexander J. Means, Amy N. Sojot, Yuko Ida & Michael Hardt (2020) A dialogue with Michael Hardt on revolution, joy, and learning to let go, Educational Philosophy and Theory, DOI: 10.1080/00131857.2020.1803977
Article Feature Image Acknowledgement: Photo by Antonella Vilardo on Unsplash