Tag Archives: Māori knowledge

Commentary: Respectful relations between science and Māori knowledge

Georgina Tuart Stewart , John Perrott , Hannah L. Buckley , Sarah Burli , Pare Keiha, Leilani Walker , Dion Henare , Kowhai Wilkie
blue and brown steel bridge

Georgina Tuari Stewarta , John Perrottb , Hannah L. Buckleyb , Sarah Burlib , Pare Keihaa, Leilani Walkerb , Dion Henarec , & Kowhai Wilkieb aTe Ara Poutama, Auckland University of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand; bSchool of Science, Auckland University of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand; cSchool of Clinical Sciences, Auckland University of Technology, Auckland, New […]

Full Citation Information:
Stewart G. T., Perrott, J., Buckley, H. L., Burli, S., Keiha, P., Walker, L., Henare, D. & Wilkie, K. (2024). Commentary: Respectful relations between science and Māori knowledge ACCESS: Contemporary Issues in Education, 44(1). https://doi.org/10.46786/ac24.5235