Tag Archives: Mathew Heimbach

Living in the Nothingness

America’s White Nationalists, the Russian Orthodox Church and The Fascist Invasion of Ukraine

I used to be an evangelical Christian for several years, so I have a sense of what it was like to join a Church and to leave one. As I write in my book, He Walks Among Us: Christian Fascism Ushering in the End of Times: When I was seventeen, I was an evangelical Christian. […]

Full Citation Information:
McLaren, P. (2022). Living in the Nothingness: America’s White Nationalists, the Russian Orthodox Church and The Fascist Invasion of Ukraine. PESA Agora. https://pesaagora.com/columns/living-in-the-nothingness/

Peter McLaren

Peter McLaren is Emeritus Professor at the Graduate School of Education and Information Studies, University of California, Los Angeles. From 2013-2023 he served as Distinguished Professor in Critical Studies, Co-Director and International Ambassador for Global Ethics and Social Justice, The Paulo Freire Democratic Project, Attallah College of Educational Studies, Chapman University, USA.