Tag Archives: Mona Harb


On the architecture of trauma and agency

Photograph courtesy of Abir Hashem and Warch(ée) (2020) Lebanon’s Thawra, in the form of civil demonstrations, takes place in Fall 2019. In international media, the term October Revolution circulates. Rooted in the French Révolution, it means to turn around. As much as things, are turned up-side-down in Lebanon – lives and houses – nothing is […]

Full Citation Information:
Rothmüller, N. (2020). Beirut: On the architecture of trauma and agency. PESA Agora. https://pesaagora.com/columns/beirut-on-the-architecture-of-trauma-and-agency/

Ninette Rothmüller

Solidarity researcher Ninette Rothmüller is a visiting scholar at the City University of New York and a committee director for the women’s rights NGO Warchée: Beirut Awiy(ée) in Lebanon. With a background in Cultural Studies, Social Work and Arts, her work is concerned with who humans are to, and with, each other under various circumstances, such as severe crises. Her work applies a gender perspective to the thematic areas of trauma, fear, and social solidarity.