Tag Archives: NRA

The Killing Fields of Gun Violence in the US

Note: This article first appeared on Truthout. It is reproduced with permission. Violence is the oxygen of authoritarianism. It is the symbolic and visceral breeding ground of fear, ignorance, greed and cruelty. It flourishes in societies marked by despair, ignorance, lies, hate and cynicism. Violence – and especially the killing of children, such as the mass […]

Full Citation Information:
Giroux, H. A. (2022). The Killing Fields of Gun Violence in the US. PESA Agora. https://pesaagora.com/columns/to-end-mass-shootings-we-need-to-change-the-deeper-structure-of-life-in-the-us/

Henry A. Giroux

Henry A. Giroux is Professor of English and Cultural Studies at McMaster University, Canada. Henry is one of the founding theorists of critical pedagogy in the United States, and has written extensively on public pedagogycultural studiesyouth studieshigher educationmedia studies, and critical theory, winning many awards. His interviews on neoliberalism appear in Truthout.  Henry is past co-Editor-in-chief of the Review of Education, Pedagogy and Cultural Studies.  In 2002 Routledge named him as one of the top fifty educational thinkers of the modern period.