Tag Archives: phenomenological pedagogy

Pedagogy here on the ground

Using lived experience to research and understand our lives with children

shallow focus photography of green grass

Andrew Madjar Faculty of Education and Social Work, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand   Abstract In education, it is common to hear that we need to close the gap between research and practice. Less common is a consideration of what it means to close this gap. A lot of policy, research and professional learning […]

Full Citation Information:
Madjar, A. (2020). Pedagogy here on the ground: Using lived experience to research and understand our lives with children. ACCESS: Contemporary Issues in Education, 40(1), 72–83. https://doi.org/10.46786/ac20.8853

Andrew Madjar

Andrew Madjar was a primary school teacher in New Zealand for 10 years and is currently a PhD candidate at the University of Auckland. He is secretary of PESA and is Editorial Administrator for ACCESS: Contemporary Issues in Education. His current research explores moral uncertainty in the lives of teachers. His research uses hermeneutic and phenomenological philosophy to develop understandings of pedagogy and practice that are grounded in lived experience.

Article Feature Image Acknowledgement: Photo by Neil Mark Thomas on Unsplash