Tag Archives: post-Marxism

Marx, Althusser, Philosophy and Philosophy of Education

An opinion piece inspired by David Neilsen on "Reading Marx again"

The spectre of Althusser weighs like a nightmare on the minds of living Marxists. So writes living Marxist David Neilson, cleverly riffing on Karl Marx’s famous aphorism: ‘The tradition of all the dead generations weighs like a nightmare on the brain of the living.’ But Neilsen has a problem with this. I am a living […]

Full Citation Information:
Harris, K. (2021). Marx, Althusser, Philosophy and Philosophy of Education: An opinion piece inspired by David Neilsen on "Reading Marx again." PESA Agora. https://pesaagora.com/columns/marx-althusser-philosophy-and-philosophy-of-education/

Kevin Harris

Kevin Harris is Emeritus Professor of Education at Macquarie University. He notes that he is enjoying retirement. He writes:

I have previously romanticised myself sufficiently; those interested can look up Educational Philosophy and Theory, 44(5), 450-463. I am now going on 84 and, with apologies to Shakespeare and Keats, I now ‘suffer the thousand natural shocks that flesh is heir to’: that is all ye need to know.