Tag Archives: reflection

“Me and Socrates, we are tight friends”

Co-constructing a polis of teachers and philosophers of education

Cara E. Furman with Christine Sparkes
book lot on black wooden shelf

Cara E. Furmana with Christine Sparkes (Public School Teacher) aUniversity of Maine at Farmington, ME, USA   Abstract It is an educational truism that reflection helps teachers to be more effective and ethical. Building on John Dewey’s assertion that we learn by doing and reflecting, and Hannah Arendt’s that reflection is strengthened through discourse among […]

Full Citation Information:
Furman, C. E. (2021). “Me and Socrates, we are tight friends”: Co-constructing a polis of teachers and philosophers of education. ACCESS: Contemporary Issues in Education, 41(1), 36-51. https://doi.org/10.46786/ac21.8287
Article Feature Image Acknowledgement: Photo by Giammarco on Unsplash