Tag Archives: teacher education

Trust and Initial Teacher Education

A Lament

Teachers as trusted professionals Popular writer Adam Grant has looked at what has made the Finnish school system among the most successful in the world: In the early 1990s, a new leader came in and called for another set of dramatic changes to create ‘a new culture of education.’ Policymakers started engaging teachers and students […]

Full Citation Information:
Haynes, B. (2024). Trust and Initial Teacher Education: A Lament. PESA Agora. https://pesaagora.com/columns/trust-and-initial-teacher-education/

Bruce Haynes

Bruce Haynes, FPESA, FPE, is retired after 34 years in teacher education and 50 years of PESA membership. He is founding member, a past president and fellow of PESA, and been always been active member. PESA honours him and Felicity by holding a named lecture at conference. His 2009 papers, in the Educational Philosophy and Theory special issue, Celebration of PESA 40 years, include Philosophy of Education Society of Australasia: The official record, and PESA and I: A long engagement, tell us a lot more about his contribution to PESA.

“Me and Socrates, we are tight friends”

Co-constructing a polis of teachers and philosophers of education

Cara E. Furman with Christine Sparkes
book lot on black wooden shelf

Cara E. Furmana with Christine Sparkes (Public School Teacher) aUniversity of Maine at Farmington, ME, USA   Abstract It is an educational truism that reflection helps teachers to be more effective and ethical. Building on John Dewey’s assertion that we learn by doing and reflecting, and Hannah Arendt’s that reflection is strengthened through discourse among […]

Full Citation Information:
Furman, C. E. (2021). “Me and Socrates, we are tight friends”: Co-constructing a polis of teachers and philosophers of education. ACCESS: Contemporary Issues in Education, 41(1), 36-51. https://doi.org/10.46786/ac21.8287
Article Feature Image Acknowledgement: Photo by Giammarco on Unsplash