Tag Archives: women philosophers

So much more than research

Learning from women leaders in philosophy of education

This interview (link) serves as the introduction to a special issue of Educational Philosophy and Theory (EPAT) that includes a series of interviews with the past women presidents of the Philosophy of Education Society of Australasia (PESA), including Felicity Haynes, Nesta Devine, Tina Besley and Liz Jackson. Liz: This special journal issue and interview series, […]

Full Citation Information:
Jackson, L., & Sojot, A. (2022). So much more than research: Learning from women leaders in philosophy of education. PESA Agora. https://pesaagora.com/columns/so-much-more-than-research/

Liz Jackson

Liz Jackson is Professor of International Education at the Education University of Hong Kong and is PESA Past President and a Fellow of PESA. Liz is an editor for New Directions in the Philosophy of Education Educational Philosophy and Theory: Editor’s Choice, and Deputy Editor for Educational Philosophy and Theory. She has written, Muslims and Islam In US Education: Reconsidering Multiculturalism; and Questioning Allegiance: Resituating Civic Education.

Amy Sojot

Amy Sojot is a PhD candidate in Educational Foundations at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa. Her research interests include aesthetics, philosophy of education, embodied pedagogies, and the ethics of contemporary educational relationalities. Her current work uses new materialism to theorize pedagogy and sensation. With Alex Means, Amy  co-hosts the PESA Agora Podcast series, Collective Intellectualities.