We are increasingly no longer in a world where digital technology and media is separate, virtual, ‘other’ to a ‘natural’ human and social life, and education is often at the forefront of these trends. Journals engaged with technology and education tend to view the research field as concerned with the ‘effects’ of digital media and other technologies on the existing activities of teaching, learning in education, thus continuing to assume a clear division between an authentic educational practice and the imposition of an external, and novel, technology. However, during the past years, we are witnessing a rapid growth in number of academic books and articles dealing (explicitly and implicitly) with education and research in and for the postdigital age. In this seminar Petar will present the development of the contemporary concept of the postdigital and outline some current postdigital challenges in science and education. References Jandrić, P., Knox, J., Besley, T., Ryberg, T., Suoranta, J., & Hayes, S. (2018). Postdigital Science and Education. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 50(10), 893-899. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/00131857.2018.1454000 Jandrić, P. (Ed.). Postdigital Science and Education.

Postdigital Science and Education
Beijing Normal University October 2020