Tag Archives: emergence

Visual modelling and emergent aspects of computational thinking

Example from a cross-disciplinary course

James E. Clayson
white and gray optical illusion

James E. Clayson American University of Paris, Paris, France   Abstract In 2006, Jeanette Wing announced—in a very short, three-page paper—a new discipline she labelled ‘Computational Thinking.’ This new field, CT, she said, is not the same as just programming, because it also includes the energies, constructs and ambitions behind programming—such as problem-solving, heuristic and […]

Full Citation Information:
Clayson, J. E. (2023). Visual modelling and emergent aspects of computational thinking: Example from a cross-disciplinary course. ACCESS: Contemporary Issues in Education, 43(2). https://doi.org/10.46786/ac23.2248
Article Feature Image Acknowledgement: Photo by JJ Ying on Unsplash

Emerging from the Melbourne Lockdown

Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow, Creeps in this petty pace from day to day, To the last syllable of recorded time … Macbeth and Melbourne have much in common. It’s been a tough few months in this city of about five million possible COVID-19 cases. Locked down with a curfew (8 pm-5 pm), a 5km […]

Full Citation Information:
Beckett, D. (2020). Emerging from the Melbourne Lockdown. PESA Agora. https://pesaagora.com/columns/emerging-from-the-melbourne-lockdown/

David Beckett

David Beckett is an independent scholar and until 2017 was a Professor of Education at The University of Melbourne.

Article Feature Image Acknowledgement: Photo by Iliya Jokic on Unsplash